Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Pyramids of Giza

It's my sister's birthday to celebrate,...since we were here...we went to see the Pyramids of Giza! There have been so many photo's taken of these three main pyramids, not to mention documentaries etc, that I wont actually say much about them can google. What I do want to share is my sensory response. 1)Awe. They are so much more than big 3D triangles! They are monumental in size & the concept that this is a tomb for just ONE human being is mind blowing! 2)The huge stone bricks, weathered by erosion & in some cases, graffitti,are beautiful in all their irregularity. 3)The atmosphere around the sight is sleepy, with more touts than tourists, ready with camels & horses, or waiting to sell any number of momentoes to those of us who can be persuaded to part with our cash! 4)Today was shrouded in fog, so it leant a mystic effect to the scene. Not so mysterious though, were the odours of dung, cigarettes and smoke coming from outdoor stoves. 5)With sprawling city one one side, & stretching desert on the other, it was easy to imagine how impressive it must have been when desert flanked from both sides. It was an overwhelming sight & we felt very privileged to be at the feet of these ancient wonders. We also went & saw the Solar Boat, which is allegedly symbolic as a means for the dead Pharaoh to cross from the Western side of the Nile to the Underworld! We were flabbergasted at the size & length of the oars. The men expected to row that must've had extremely impressive pecs! I imagined my nephews trying to smoothly propel those massive lengths through the water....!

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