Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Seshep Ankh

As guardian to the Pyramid Complex, the worlds oldest statuary monument stands. The Sphinx, as we know it. To the early Egyptians though, he was Seshep Ankh. When the greeks arrived though (the Egyptians don't like to refer to it as 'invasion') they couldn't pronounce Seshep Ankh & renamed him,'Sphinx'! I have always considered the Sphinx to be a 'her', because to me, there is something maternal & protective about the 'vibe' that emanates from this statue. It is however, male & was built to represent the Pharaoh of the time, allegedly Khafre. For years it was mostly buried under the sand. One day a young man rested under its shadow & fell asleep. There, as he told it, he had a dream, that if he uncovered the buried part of the Sphinx, he would become a great leader. So, that is what he did! And, yes, he did become a great leader & had a stelae erected in front of the sphinx, telling the story of his dream. However...many believe that he made the dream up, in order to cover up the fact that he had killed his brother, who had been rightful heir to the throne!! Great story & stunning monument!

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