Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Temple Of Horus at Edfu

Continuing our Temple trek, it was with great pleasure that we finally reached Edfu & with it, The Temple of Horus. Why was this such a big deal?? Well, Horus was the consort of Hathor, whose Temple we visited at Dendera. Every year, the gold statue Of Hathor, would be removed from the Holy of Holies,loaded onto a special boat & taken up river to visit the statue of Horus. This is the route we have travelled over the past couple of days. On arrival in Edfu, the people would fly banners & celebrate excitedly to have their gods reunited, even for a brief time. Horus would make the same type of journey to visit Hathor each year too! We travelled to the site by horse & cart, which was an adventure in itself. Egyptian traffic lived up to its usual reputation!!!! Horus is represented by the falcon, & fortunately a couple of the original statues remain. Edfu temple is the largest intact temple, but the reliefs have been severely mutilated by the Christians, who were trying to enforce the Egyptians to stop worshipping their heathen gods! An interesting feature of this temple, is a remaining 'perfume' laboratory. This was where perfumes were made for sacrifice offerings, & on the walls are hieroglyphs giving recipes not only for fragrant perfumes, but also 'aromatherapy' healing perfumes! Apparently the perfume house, Chanel, has had some of these translated & are using these recipes????

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